Have you gotten yourself into hot water because of a payday loan? These loans may seem like the perfect solution to your problems at first. Especially, when you need it…
When you’re strapped for cash with nowhere to turn, taking out a payday loan may seem like a great quick fix option. But what most people don’t realize is that…
Obviously, everyone should know exactly how much house they can actually afford to buy before they end up going online to shop or begin cruising neighborhoods scouting out the “For Sale”…
The median sale price for a home in New York City is $1.2 million. A key factor when deciding whether to buy or rent with incredibly high prices like these,…
For homeowners out there- old or new, finally paying off your mortgage is a dream come true. Having this huge financial burden lifted off your back will free up a…
Your credit score is absolutely crucial when you are applying for a home mortgage loan because a low credit score will inevitably translate to paying higher interest rates. In fact,…
A C.L.U.E. report stands for a Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange. The "exchange" in this particular situation represents the information that the home insurance loss underwrites about home insurance claims. Based off…
Naturally, shopping around for a new home can be a very overwhelming and especially daunting task, as it is a life decision you could be living with for the next…
Because of the Fed’s recent decision to raise interest rates, along with inquiries about China's economy, now may be a great time to buy the home you've always dreamed of.…
A decade ago, mandatory renters insurance was so rare that landlords who tried to impose it risked losing tenants. Today it’s as much a part of the rental process as a…