When you’re strapped for cash with nowhere to turn, taking out a payday loan may seem like a great quick fix option. But what most people don’t realize is that pay loans are usually the beginning to a vicious cycle of “catch up”. The borrower usually takes out a certain amount of money and in…
A decade ago, mandatory renters insurance was so rare that landlords who tried to impose it risked losing tenants. Today it’s as much a part of the rental process as a security deposit, credit check and first month’s rent. But in the early 2000s, when the cost of property insurance for apartment owners skyrocketed, landlords sought to…
Which health insurance plan is best for you? Let Insurance.com help you find affordable health insurance now. Health maintenance organizations (HMOs), preferred provider organizations (PPOs), and point-of-service plans (POS) are all types of managed health care. The purpose of managed care is to provide members with access to a comprehensive system of medical care that offers savings…
Financial planning for any family is complicated, but the challenges rise to a new level when a child has special needs. "Parents are not only planning for their family's needs and retirement, but for well beyond their lifetimes," says Linda Hunter Suzman, a Special Care Planner with MassMutual Financial Group in Seattle. The process, including buying life…
Many drivers don’t know how to compare car insurance except by looking at price. There’s nothing wrong with comparing based on price, but you won’t get the best car insurance unless you know what you can change to make your coverage better or cheaper. Use our tool to compare car insurance quotes from different companies. It only…
You've been searching for the perfect house for months. Finally, you find the one. After your offer is accepted and a small mountain of paperwork is signed, it's yours. What are you going to do next? If you're smart, before you pack a single box, you will make sure your home insurance has you covered for…
Getting sick can be a real pain in the neck, but at least Uncle Sam gives Americans a little bit of relief in the form of federal income-tax deductions for medical expenses. "Medical bills can be a huge expense, so the Internal Revenue Service gives people a break so they can recoup some of that money,"…
If you're looking for life insurance, aside from considering how much you need, you'll find the need to understand and possibly choose between the two basic types: term life insurance and cash value life insurance. The main difference between the two is that term life insurance covers you relatively inexpensively for a set period, whereas cash…
It's easier than ever before to compare car insurance quotes and find a better deal. You can do it using Insurance.com's quote comparison tool below or over the phone. But switching car insurance companies the right way is every bit as important. You don't want a gap between your policies that can come back to haunt you.…
A new group has been formed by The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers and Association of Global Automakers to help prevent cyberattacks on cars and trucks. Alliance President CEO Mitch Bainwol said, “Network security must be incorporated from design to roadway, and our auto companies are exploring the best ways to enhance cyber resiliency while continuing to…