The worst thing you can do with a new insurance plan is to assume that it is just like your previous one. Even if you are paying the same monthly premium, plans can have big differences between them. When you sign up to a new plan, learn it and know your rights and conditions. It…
When you reach the age when you know there will be so many expenses, it's natural to try and see what can be done differently. There are major life events that will happen, such as buying a first house, having kids, etc. and you want to make sure that you have a safety net. This…
For millennials, buying life insurance is a very smart call. Buying now will be also cost effective because when you are young and healthy it costs less. Also, if the unexpected happens. your family will have help to pay for student loan debt or a mortgage in your absence. Another thing to consider is a long-term…
Some say that picking an individual health insurance plan is easy, because you can search online and compare plans from different carriers and then make a decision. But it is not as simple, because there is a terminology that is not clear for everyone, and understanding your personal needs and finding a plan to match is also…
When you are the one choosing a life insurance policy you can make all the decisions, unlike when you get insured by your employer. If you go to the agent who worked with you on your homeowners insurance or auto insurance, you will also usially get a great offer. If you already have a company…
A decade ago, mandatory renters insurance was so rare that landlords who tried to impose it risked losing tenants. Today it’s as much a part of the rental process as a security deposit, credit check and first month’s rent. But in the early 2000s, when the cost of property insurance for apartment owners skyrocketed, landlords sought to…
Which health insurance plan is best for you? Let help you find affordable health insurance now. Health maintenance organizations (HMOs), preferred provider organizations (PPOs), and point-of-service plans (POS) are all types of managed health care. The purpose of managed care is to provide members with access to a comprehensive system of medical care that offers savings…
Financial planning for any family is complicated, but the challenges rise to a new level when a child has special needs. "Parents are not only planning for their family's needs and retirement, but for well beyond their lifetimes," says Linda Hunter Suzman, a Special Care Planner with MassMutual Financial Group in Seattle. The process, including buying life…
Many drivers don’t know how to compare car insurance except by looking at price. There’s nothing wrong with comparing based on price, but you won’t get the best car insurance unless you know what you can change to make your coverage better or cheaper. Use our tool to compare car insurance quotes from different companies. It only…
You've been searching for the perfect house for months. Finally, you find the one. After your offer is accepted and a small mountain of paperwork is signed, it's yours. What are you going to do next? If you're smart, before you pack a single box, you will make sure your home insurance has you covered for…